

I tried to express the improper and hazardous relationship between the media, especially
newspapers, and advertising. In a free and democratic country, their relations are generally not
inappropriate. But I think the public should know about their unstated intentions. The proportion
and power of advertising have been increasing, so receiving the right information from mass media
have been getting harder. I’d like to warn the public about this situation. I chose the New York Times
as my target medium because it is one of the most famous newspapers in the U.S. And I used the
same paper size and format as theirs. I made four steps to show the process of what I tried to talk
about. Through these steps, I also tried to drop a hint about how negative influences of advertising
have been piling up and how advertising makes it difficult for the public to receive the right
information. Finally, I placed the last one upside down to show the reversed position between the
buyer (reader) and the seller (newspaper publisher or advertiser).


Copyright 2012